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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
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Owner: paul

Member#: 5
Registered: 24-07-2002
Diary Entries: 71

Mood: Well Chuffed
4th July 2003
Sailing: Falmouth
Wind Direction: NW
Wind Stength: 3/4
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

First yacht race of the month, and since we were one crew member down this week, the club commodore(Steve) came out with us to give us a hand and a few tips. I had the helm again and we sailed around a bit before the start to get a feel for the wind, there wasn't quite as much as last week so we had the big jib up. We made our way to the start line and got the course from the flags on the committee boat at our 10 minute gun. We then milled around the line counting down and trying to get a good position, with a couple of minutes to go we made for the line and timed it pretty well right in the middle of the fleet on the line at the gun, so we headed up the first beat on starboard. Steve the suggested we tacked across to port as the tide was coming in and he said there was a helpful current on the other side of the course, so we tacked and headed off. The wind was perfect, plenty to keep us healed over but not gusty so it was comfortable sailing. With everyone sat out on the rail, Steve suggested that I should helm from the leeward side as I would have a better view of the telltales on the jib and any boats coming up at us from starboard, while the rest of the crew could watch to windward, he also suggested that I didn't sail as close to the wind and got more speed rather than angle. This advice worked really well and at the first mark we were still mid fleet. Heading downwind we got the spinnaker flying and pulled away from the boats behind us. We dropped the spinnaker and reset the jib for the next beat with no problems and I again sailed sat on the leeward side which was working really well, although we were healed over so far in the gusts the gunnels were in the water which meant I kept getting wet, but it was still great fun and we saw a seal again near the downwind mark. We didn't lose any ground to the boats behind on the beat and on the final downwind leg we overtook another boat before the finish, so it was a really good race for us. After crossing the line we headed back to the mooring and were sailing to it quite happily, until we realised it was missing, thinking we were in the wrong place we sailed in and around the moorings for a while before realising that it had vanished very strange, so we picked up a spare visitor's mooring and headed to the clubhouse for a pasty and a pint. A really good nights sailing and as for the result we came 4th out of 8 boats in our class after adjustments for the handicap so we were really pleased our best result of the season so far.

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